Rooted Cuttings
We are learning the ropes of propagating through Science.
This page will be updated as we successfully replica the cultivars with our cloning machine.
Follow us on FACEBOOK for general update.
We do not have "opening" day.
Please Limit to ONE (1)
Per Cultivar Per Household
Per Growing Season
to avoid cancellation of the entire order.
We have in the past 5 years been taking cuttings to increase our own stock counts and
trade with fellow growers.
This 2023 growing season will be our first year selling rooted cuttings.
We will be starting conservatively, quantities will be very limited.
We subscribe to the theory that you cannot grow dahlias in the real world without virus. That the objective of doing so is futile.
If you want good stock, cull those plants that look bad and supply the nutrients that dahlias need to fend off the appearance of virus. Lack of iron and or manganese can cause veining in leaves which can be misidentified as virus.
Until virus testing is sustainable in at least 80% of the dahlias being circulated worldwide, until every gardener and every club that sells tubers and cuttings mandates testing, we believe random testing by handful of growers on selective few plants yield no solution.
Our plants/cuttings are NOT tested for virus.
We continue to cull plants that looks questionable, and follow the “if in doubt throw it out” principle, diligently following a strict insecticide control regime based on life cycle of vectors, beyond that, we don't believe there needs to be a ton of anxiety over virus.